Friday, July 29, 2011

The end of JULY

是时候上来着写写部落了  很快就是七月尾了
偶像 , 好久不见:) 见到你的那一目  真的很开心

最近都忙着篮球比赛的你  多休息才好 :) 不过我想你睡也会甜着入眠:P 你的偶像KOBE和你同打叻:) 祝福:) 记的多来大马 , 别让布丁们久等咯 :)
上个星期,在朋友的推荐下  去了Stadium Merdeka那做工.. 是份演唱会撕片员:) 工做轻松工钱又不错,加上可以免费入场看演唱, 真的福利超好 哈哈 :) 很可惜是 所有照片都没了..朋友电脑被reformat搞的一张照片都没:-(   sad~

 Hmmmm,,,,,经过多次和姐妹的谈白说出心里话, 事情已是解决了, 时间会是好的真明.. 我相信我们彼此还是可以变回无说不谈的好朋友 :)
明天,去观看演唱会啦:) 地点是在 Bukit Jail , 是一场 Loud Festival 演唱会..

Loud Festival Ticket Price 闹哄哄音乐节 票价

"由Unusual Productions 及Star Planet 星艺娱乐联合主办,《Loud Festival闹哄哄音乐节》将于7月30日,晚上8点,Bukit Jalil Putra室内体育馆大卡士登场!

《Loud Festival 闹哄哄音乐节》将会是本年度最有看头的一场演出,由亚洲天王周杰伦领军, 连同人气乐团苏打绿,性感舞后温岚及创作才女袁咏琳首度同台飚歌,新鮮即富号召力的艺人組合配搭,可谓是乐坛难得一遇的拉阔盛事。音乐节的策划及整体的曲目编排上都是费尽心思,这场120分钟的大型演出,除了周董及苏打绿有精彩的个人压轴演唱部分以外,温岚及袁咏琳也将演绎个人单曲,除此以外,几位艺人也有可能出现crossover,务必提供给观众更多元化,更多的音乐享受。




09年袁咏琳发行个人第一张《袁咏琳Cindy Yen》专辑,守波主打歌是由周董与小师妹Cindy袁咏琳合唱一曲“画沙”。并在各大K歌排行榜聚首榜首。此外,袁咏琳更在大师兄周杰伦世界巡演中担任表演嘉宾。

《Loud Festival 闹哄哄音乐节》门票将于5月14日全国公开发售,您可透过Star Planet 办公室或 TicketCharge 指定授权销售柜台购票,除此,您也可通过网站选购门票。任何有关演唱会详情,可拨电至星艺娱乐办公室0392233667或TicketCharge 03-92228811 或浏览 /"

I will enjoy the show :) OKayy, is should be stopped here now:) Goodnight:)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

School Activities..

Sorry for the late post ya guys=) I knew i am not a good blogger..But i will try my best to update it , to avoid here become wastes district..=) ok.. dont waste time, lets go through my title's post=)

Last saturday , my skul were helding each 4years once time's carnival ( Usahawan Muda ).. My class , 4Beta was suggest having a water war.. Early in the morning , 630am..i was reaching skul to prepare anythngs that needed..filled up the water into the balloon and the water guns..I and Carmen Woo were incharged the counter..collecting money and register for entering=)

We are hard to be gather together , since few of your are changed to other skul.. Memories pic=) Love you all..Yeeling and suetling were not in this pic:( sobss..
 hmm..the carnival was started at 9.30++,  counter was around a lot  people.."people mountain people sea" :P.. keep shouted them be patient..because our game is playing group by duty time is 8am until 10am..after shifted with frens.. we go around the skul and found some food to fill up our stomach and go lined up for the haunted hse=)

Nice to be yours's friend=) you all are funny=)
We had taken almost 1hour to entering the haunted damn much people there..sambil take pic, sambil lined up,haha..and sambil scream for nothing at there xD
all are waiting for go in haunted house!:) 

we are rocker!!:P lols.. 

 the ghost~~ haha..would you feel scaryy? XD

kah junz.. you got talent be ghost,really:)

I feel this like clown more than ghost.. Focus his eye.. eye socket too black:P
That day, our skul got three haunted hse..But i only enter two..because i have no time to play:( sobs..when12pm is shifted back to me and carmen duty..but we both was late going to our's counter..because the haunted hse taking too much time to line sorry to them..
skipp skipp skipp~~ =)

Our carnival end at 4pm.. Before back, we all crazy for playing water and make all people wet! woohuu, is damn syokk=) my whole body was wet including inside..lols~ haha.. and i also should thank to my class monitor ( Aaron Chin ).. he sponser us KFC for our class.. we all enjoy so much=)

Photo take by Ck tommy :) 

OK.. carnival post was end.. next school activities continued=) Sure you all know today was a day for 1Murid 1 Sukan 1 Malaysia day=) That was a national road run.. i was attending , and the reason that attract me is who coming for today can get 17marks for Koko.. besides that..the opportunity to borrow for keep fits..lols =) 

Hee..I liked the feel after exercise=) sweating can transfer out waste product it make our body healthy..yea..We take almost 1hour to finished our 4KM ? XD i kow we are "fast" haha..

♥ Cutie gaga

♥ crazy yao

Jas & Jingyi 

Jas & Deeying 

Jas & Ck tommy 

Jiamin & Jas & carmen

Jiamin & Jas

Ck tommy & jingyi .. ck ya ck~~~~ dun be naughty xD

act cute :$

tongue :P