Sunday, May 22, 2011


The time is passes very fast , like a rocket ~  my exam week is still lefting 1week.. Good news!  but actually only 3days~ tuesday wednesday & thursday ~haha .. and also is the more relax week compare to other because the lefting paper all is objective , doesn't need to care duno how to do and think about the those answer.. simply shoot one then can already~yeaa haha , this is the advantages for paper1 and also is my favourite paper :D

When going to Form4 , i realize that paper2 is damn many marks need to score , is 100%! Goshhh! :-(  ..  i think all the subject on paper2 only get 30/100 heee~  when i get the paper i alrd going to tear and shout to mumy for help .. the ques know me , but i doesn't know them~ form4 frens would you face the same problem with me? hiasss~ FINE ! is over ! let it be~ :)))  i very excited for my comming soon holidays! haha! because i and frens are planning to fill up ours holidays with many programme:) wuhuu :) 

simply make ><

Guysss , miss you all alot ! not bluffing:-( we still have a chance to meet up ?.. Our friendship is like a special rose that never withers away..Even we're not together..But you all are always in my heart:) reali miss the moment  when we're playing and joking~ 

Saturday, May 14, 2011


这个月又是压力大的一个月 ~ 还真讨厌考试的.. 不能出街~就连开电脑上线也要被父母限制时间..pityy girl~
没办法囖,  考试是学生的责任~ 责任?? errr~ maybe :) 哈哈
加上我的脑子好像stuck注~ 怎么塞都塞不进~ 啊咯~ 是什么问题? 

hee~ baby so cute :P

气候变化  每天都走在猛炎热太阳下 ~ 回到家就算开了冷气机还是安纳不住~
这样的天气真想到冬天的国家 :)

Good luck for those sitting on midyear exam friend ~ all the best :))